Cable Runs


LAN Topology

Cable Runs



Addressing Scheme

Frame Relay/PPP


Gigabit Ethernet Termination Locations
The following blueprints of Acacia depict which rooms are to recieve Gigabit Ethernet drops. Only the rooms highlighted in blue will provide four termination points in each room. The teacher will have a dedicated line and the students will share the remaining three lines.

Acacia Main Floor Plan
The main blueprint shows the trailers located East of the East Wing which require a total of 24 drops.

Acacia West Wing Cable Drops
The West Wing of the building houses the MDF/POP location and an additional wiring closet (IDF 1) of Acacia along with Administrative and Curriculum rooms. There will need to be a total of 72 ethernet drops in the West Wing.

Acacia East Wing Cable Drops
The East Wing of Acacia houses the second IDF plus a number of curriculum rooms and the six external rooms which will require a total of 96 ethernet drops.